
eight place中文是什么意思

  • 八地址的
  • 八位



  • 例句与用法
  • This is another picture , can you read some special from it . i found eight place on this one , how about you
  • The eight placing banks are committed to quoting firm bid prices for the retail bonds during business hours until the maturity date
  • The eight placing banks will act as market makers to quote firm bid prices for the three hkmc notes during office hours until the maturity of the bonds
  • The eight placing banks will act as market makers to quote two - way prices for the three hkmc notes during business hours until maturity of the bonds
  • The enlarged distribution network of eight placing banks , with 308 designated branches and their efficient telephone and internet banking facilities , has made the subscription process more convenient for the retail investors
  • Retail investors will be informed shortly by letter of the subscription prices of the hkmc notes and the refund details by bank of china hong kong , bank of communications hong kong branch , citic ka wah bank , dao heng bank , hsbc , hang seng bank , standard chartered bank , wing lung bank , the eight placing banks through which they applied for the notes
    凡成功申请每张面额50 , 000港元的2年期按揭证券公司第201号债券3年期按揭证券公司第302号债券及5年期按揭证券公司第502号债券债券的投资者,分别将获退款1 , 357 . 03港元1 , 382 . 07港元及1 , 902 . 85港元。
  • 推荐英语阅读
eight place的中文翻译,eight place是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译eight place,eight place的中文意思,eight place的中文eight place in Chineseeight place的中文eight place怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
